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Second Edition of the Sustainable Development Awards Launched

The second edition of the Sustainable Development Awards was officially launched at a press conference in Windhoek on Friday, July 7th 2017.

Speaking at the event, Dr. Michael Humavindu of the Sustainable Development Advisory Council, outlined the main aims of the awards which are to raise awareness of the importance of sustainable development among all Namibians, to recognise and reward the outstanding contributions of organisations and individuals active in this field, and to inspire others to contribute to the sustainable development of the nation.

SDAC engages with the private sector on the problem of plastic

SDAC members with Mr. Jaco Venter of Plastic Packaging cc and Ms. Earth Namibia

In view of the ongoing high level discussions on the banning of plastic bags and increasing public awareness campaigns on the matter, the SDAC engaged with Plastic Packaging cc on 24th March 2017.

The engagement involved a tour of the recycling plant and operations of Plastic Packaging cc in Okahandja and an exchange on the problem of plastic and how it can be best resolved in Namibia.

Visit to Namibia of Dr. Gunther Bachmann – Executive Secretary of the German Sustainable Development Advisory Council

Members of the SDAC at the Walvis Bay Salt Works

The Executive Secretary of the German Sustainable Development Advisory Council, Prof. Dr. Guenther Bachmann, visited Namibia from 29th June until 8th July 2016. The visit took place as a follow up to the visit of the SD Advisory Council members to Germany in June 2015 and aimed to update each other on developments and to strengthen further partnership and collaboration.
