In February 2012, the Government of Namibia gazetted the Regulation for the implementation of Environmental Management Act No. 07 of 2007. The Act aims to promote the sustainable management of the environment and the use of natural resources by establishing principles for decision making on matters affecting the environment; to establish the Sustainable Development Advisory Council; to provide for the appointment of the Environmental Commissioner and environmental officers; to provide for a process of assessment and control of activities which may have significant effects on the environment; and to provide for incidental matters.
The overall objective of the Sustainable Development Advisory Council is to advise the Minister on issues that promote cooperation and coordination between organs of state, nongovernmental organisations, community based organisations, the private sector and funding agencies, on environmental issues relating to sustainable development.
In terms of section 8 of the Act, the Minister must appoint four persons whom the Minister reasonably believes represent the interests of organisations, associations or institutions concerned with environmental matters. It further requires that the Minister must invite the public, organisations, associations or institutions by notice in the Gazette and in any other appropriate manner, to nominate persons within a period of 30 days from the date of the notice.
Ministry of Environment and Tourism thus invites nominations for appropriate persons from the public, organisations, associations or institutions to sit on the Sustainable Development Advisory Council. The Council Members serve for a three year term and may be reappointed at the end of that term.
Nominations must be marked Sustainable Development Advisory Council and addressed to: Environmental Commissioner: Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Private Bag 13306, Windhoek or hand delivered to, Capital Centre Building, 6th floor.
Closing date for nominations: 30 April 2012
Invitation for Nominations to the Sustainable Development Advisory Council