SDAC participates in the first meeting of the Open SDG Club

The Sustainable Development Advisory Council represented Namibia in the first meeting of the Open SDG Club, which was held from 21-23rd November 2016 in Berlin Germany.

Coming a year after the adoption of the SDGs, the first meeting of the Open SDG Club, an inititative of the German Advisory Council for Sustainable Development, provided a forum for participants to share their views and experiences about their first steps implementing the 2030 Agenda; the emerging or existing SD governance structures in their countries; the politics of data; multi-stakeholder engagement and communication; the roles played by civil society in the implementation; as well as emerging tools and platforms supporting implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

A second meeting of the Open SDG Club is planned for 2018 with participants continuing to exchange information and actions in the 32 countries in the meantime.

Further information on the Open SDGs Club is available from

SDAC Deputy Chairperson, Ms. Martha Naanda, representing the Council during the first meeting of the Open SDG Club.
The meeting was a forum for participants to share their views and experiences about their first steps implementing the 2030 Agenda.
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