Members of the SDAC re-appointed for a second term

Members of the Sustainable Development Advisory Council of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism signed their re-appointment letters endorsing them to serve for another three years.

Minister of Environment and Tourism Pohamba Shifeta announced their re-appointment during a press conference on November 3rd 2015. The Minister praised the members for their performance but outlined that he wanted the council to be more visible and vocal in order to influence the national discourse on sustainable development.

“We need the general public to be aware of the council and for the public and other stakeholders to have a platform to bring issues to the attention of the council and interact with it,” said Shifeta.

The only change in membership was the replacement of Ms. Anna Shiweda, who became a Member of Parliament in March 2015. Ms. Sophie Kasheeta, Acting Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry replaced Ms. Shiweda.

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